Our Mission & Vision

Go therefore and make disciples...

The Mission

Everyday people seeking a relationship with Jesus, refining through His word, releasing us to serve. 

The Vision

Building communities by building people.

Core Values


Core Principles to Support Our Mission

We seek to be a body of believers that worships the one and true living God. The Bible is clear in Hebrews 10:24-25 to not forsake gathering in fellowship as the body of Christ. The purpose of gathering as a body is to worship and be built up in the Word( Matthew 28:16-20). The Tabernacle seeks not to create converts but follow the commission of Christ and make disciples.

God the Father has designated His son Jesus Christ as head of the church. We as believers make up the body of Christ and are called to serve him with passion and persistence (Romans 12:11) founded on love for one another. The body has been given by grace many gifts and members to carry out the commission of Christ. The Tabernacle desires to be an active local body of believers prayerfully placing the people of God in their gift/ministry (1 Corinthians 12 and Romans 12:4-8) to carry forth the commission of Christ.

As believers we are compelled to not only impact our families but those who the Lord has placed in our circle of influence. We are called to have compassion to our community and utilize where we are blessed to live, work, volunteer and interact with people as opportunities to disciple. The Tabernacle believes this is done not only in large settings but small “inner circles” as well. We desire to have groups gathering outside of worship for the purpose of building disciples based on the essential elements found in Acts 2:42-47. Those elements are coaching (vs. 42a), comradely (vs. 42a), communion (vs. 42b) and communication (vs. 42c). We see as a result of this approach they had all things “common”, unity, and grew as a family.

The Tabernacle desires to build communities of disciples for the purpose of impacting our city. We believe our first priority is to represent the gospel by preaching as well as in a practical manner by how we live. This in turn should lead us to show our heart for our city in word and work (Matthew 25:31-46 and 1 John 3:17-18). Our hope is to be a body of believers that passionately demonstrate the word to our city. The goal is not to be social activists but agents for Christ showing tangible signs of concern for our neighbors desiring to lead them to the Lord.

We believe the Holy Spirit empowers the people of God for the purpose of advancing His kingdom. The Tabernacle understands the local church is a part of God’s worldwide ministry. We desire to impact our community, city, region and nation with the gospel and recognize the Lord has given the strategy in Acts 1:8. The Tabernacle seeks to be witnesses first in our “Jerusalem” as a priority always then advancing out as the Lord leads. We are called to be a church planting body which will include organizing other churches in our city and region.

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